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First patient in Madrid!
First patient in Madrid included! We want to congratulate Madrid for their first included patient in the study! SAMUR successfully

Kandel – ready for inclusion!
Our friends at Asklepios Südpfalzkliniken with dr Manuel Lingner as local PI are ready to start inclusion! The whole Princess2-team

Initiation visit to Vienna
On December 9th the Princess2-team together with Mr Freigassner from E&E CRO and mr Landwehr from BrainCool initiated site Vienna!
Trial info

Initiating hypothermia
at the scene
An investigator initiated randomized trial. A sequel to the previous PRINCE and PRINCESS trials. The overall aim of the study is to investigate whether early therapeutic hypothermia initiated in the prehospital setting can be beneficial for cardiac arrest patients in terms of survival with complete neurologic recovery, or not. Read more
How to manage a study patient
Our Partners
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Policlinico di Milano
University Medical Centre, Ljubljana
Karolinska Sjukhuset, Stockholm
Södersjukhuset, Stockholm
Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid
Clinico San Carlos, Madrid
Universitätsklinik Freiburg
Medizinische Universität, Vienna
Martha Maria Hospital, Halle
St Elizabeth Hospital, Halle
University Hospital, Halle
Asklepios Südpfalzklinik, Kandel
Medical University, Graz
University Medical Center, Maribor